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Showing posts from 2023

Tips for picking up choreography

  Tips for picking up choreography Watch the choreographer. Don’t watch yourself.  Until you understand the line, shape or step, watch the choreographer or assistant. FEEL your body moving but don’t watch yourself in the mirror until you understand the movement, music and the physical impetus of the line, shape or step.    If the choreographer is marking, watch the assistant and LISTEN to the choreographer. While waiting for your group, close your eyes and review the choreo with the music. Mark with your hands if needed. Use the mantra: Keep it moving.  This means "close enough, keep moving". You will add the details as you become more confident.  Say the steps out loud or to yourself.  Close your eyes and recreate in your mind. When you get to a tricky part, “rewind” the choreo back 4 or so counts  (counts that you do know well) and add the part that is not clear to you. Blend the new sections into the parts your body knows. **** Good Luck! See you in class. Tracie

MOVING with technique instead of HIDING BEHIND technique....

  Often, in my NYC classes, I work with dancers who are fixated on being technically correct. It sounds harmless enough until the joy is stolen from moving and the dancer becomes “paralyzed” in the choreography.    They are so busy dancing that they are not DANCING! I always joke that technique is not the name of a mountain in China to be climbed. There will never be a moment in a dancers life where they can plant the flag at the top of this mountain and be PERFECT. A life in dance is a life dedicated to process. The process is mindful practice, lots of trust, even more classes and then letting strong technique serve you, not carry you.     If you find yourself just going through the motions…here is some homework on understanding how to DANCE while you dance…    - Give yourself a ballet barre to your favorite music. The goal is to match the accents of the music with your breath, your reach and your line, while completing each exercise. Interpret the exercise instead of exercising the e